Liberation for Total Transformation
"Liberation for Total Transformation" was written by Cahty Harris as an interactive book for those desiring a fuller walk in the things of the Word and the Spirit. With fill in the blank questions, critical thinking exercises, and structured study guides, Cathy Harris not only explians the priniciples of a deeper walk with God; she offers the reader steps on how to get there.
Below are listed the chapter titles with a brief explanation of each chapter.
Chapter One: Taking a L.A.P.
(This chapter offers an explanation of how the book can be used for maximum benefit. In chapter one Sister
Cathy discusses how the reader can "locate" where they are spiritually through the readings, how they are
to "appreciate" the positives of their current standing, and the importance of "participating" in their spiritual
progression toward maturity.)
Chapter Two: Fixing Your Gaze
(Chapter two notes the difference between the glance of the believer and the gaze. While we may glance at 
the facts of a situation during our lives, our gaze is to be continually on the Word of God and the promises
offered therein. In this chapter, Sister Cathy notes the importance of not allowing one's glance to become
their focus.)
Chapter Three: Liberation for Total Transformation
(Chapter three discusses the freedom available through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and how the 
believer can use the steps in this chapter to walk more fully in that freedom.)
Chapter Four: Creature Feature
(Chapter four looks at the transformation that takes place in the life of the believer as they receive Jesus as
their personal Lord and Saviour. It notes their change from darkness to light, from sonship with the devil to
sonship with God, and from being an heir of sin and death to being an heir of God.)
Chapter Five: Victim or Victor
(This chapter details the differences between the victim mentality and that of a victor. Although victory is
ours as believers through Jesus, we have the responsibility of taking our place of dominion rather than
falling prety to the dictates of the enemy.)
Chapter Six: Detoxifying the Soul
(In this chapter Sister Cathy explains how worldy contaminants must be purged to live a life of true victory.
Unknowingly, many have taken worldy thoughts and ideas as true, thus hindering their ability to walk in
total freedom. Chapter six identifies this mindset and offers steps to change this lifestyle of deception.)
Chapter Seven: Do You Mind?
(Chapter seven studies the process by which a believer must renew their mind if they are to walk in victory.
Society has fed mankind a number of falsehoods about life and happiness. The believer must be able to
reject the false and hold to the true. These kinds of decisions can only take place as we use the Word of
God as our standard and renew our thinking to its truth.)
Chapter Eight: Steady as She Goes
(Sister Cathy emphasizes the importance of right confession in chapter eight. The path to liberated living is
a marathon, not a sprint. The words of our mouth are critical to our staying the course and finishing our
race. Right speech will help create a life of greater liberty whil wrong speech will manifest in bondage.
Confession is a critical part of our walk of freedom.)
Chapter Nine: Commitment, Consecration, Covenant
(Chapter nine highlights three important components of our moving toward greater liberty. Commitment marks our
willingness to suffer persecution while staying the path of God's plan. Consecration notes our desire to separate
ourselves from contaminating influences that short-circuit the plan of God. Covenant is the understanding that some
agreements are lifelong and never to be taken lightly.)
Chapter Ten: Satan, You are an Offense to Me
(This chapter discusses the importance of loving what God loves and hating what God hates. When we find the
tactics of Satan to be offensive, we will not partake of their fruit. The believer who loves righteousness and hates
iniquity is the believer who will fulfill God's purpose and walk in the dominion available to them.)
Chapter Eleven: Spiraling Up
(Spiritual growth is the topic of chapter eleven. Moving forward in the phases of God's plan for our lives is
contingent on our willingness to grow-up into Him. The immature make little progress in the things of God. As a
result, they enjoy very little of what is made availabe to them while in the earth. Are all the benefits of a Christian
life reserved for Heaven? No...but they only manifest in the lives of those who choose to mature.)
Chapter Twelve: Neglect - The Silent Killer
(The twelfth chapter addresses the deceptiveness of neglect. In this chapter, Sister Cathy examines the effects of
neglect on the soul and spiritual life of the believer. She also notes the value of diligence.)
Chapter Thirteen: Crossing the Finish Line
(The final chapter highlights the keys to finishing your course. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, finishing with joy and the
love of God are areas of emphasis in this chapter.)
(At the end of the book are two confessions for meditation. The first is the "Victoriuos Living Confession" concerning
the authority of the believer. The second is "Dependence on God Confession" for greater consecration in the life of
the believer.)
Uniqueness of the Book:

With fill in the blank questions, short answer questions and structured assignments, "Liberation for Total
Transformation" is more than another book full of information. This interactive book offers structured study
assignments that help the reader recognize the real life application of the material. Through repetition, the reader
not only takes away knowledge, but the wisdom on how to apply such knowledge.

Author Cathy Harris also offers a quite unique look at the issues addressed in this book. With her background
as a registered nurse, Sister Cathy draws a number of parallels between the natural body and the spiritual growth
of the reader. From discussing the differences between medication and meditation to explaining the process of
detoxifying the physical body and how it relates to spiritual consecration. "Liberation for Total Transfomation" offers
examples that will not soon be forgotten.
What the Customer Takes From the Book:
There are a number of phases through which a believer will travel in their walk of faith; from the initial stages
of the newborn believer to the deeper things of the Spirit as experienced by seasoned men and women of God. It is
important, therefore, to have materials that will help the believer through these different stages of Christianity.
"Liberation for Total Transformation" is one of those necessary literary guides.

The reader will come away from this book with a thorough understanding of the steps to be taken while
walking more fully in the plan of God for their life. Written in an easy to understand style, the examples offered and
priniciples discussed will easily be recalled from memory.

"Liberation for Total Transformation" offers specific assignments that will assist the reader is applying the
information discussed. Many books are full of valuable and life-changing information, but few allow the reader to
interact with the materials discussed. How does this relate to me? How do I get it to work in my life? These are two
of the many questions people may have when reading a book that does not offer the practical application of the
principles presented. "Liberation for Total Transformation" is not a book that merely presents information for
learning - it actually participates in the learning process.

Book Summary by B. Shaun Garing